This weekend I have made a commitment to attend my high school reunion. 15 years. What was I thinking? This is our first reunion and I haven't seen some of these people since June 1, 1991.
Since the announcement of this reunion I have had constant dreams about my high school, my classmates and different events. What I have found very odd about whole thing is that, it was only four years. I was in college longer. Heck, I went to grade school with the same people for nine years (K-8). So why does high school have such an impact on me and I'm sure other people?
I didn't even like high school. I liked the school I went to and I adored the majority of my teachers. I was very involved in everything – cross country, track, drama, band, choir, cheerleading (only 2 years!!) and anything else I could volunteer to help with. I didn't really belong to a clique. I got a long with most people and had friends from all different groups. But on graduation day when everyone was crying in the courtyard I had already turned in my cap and gown and was on my way to my family dinner. My bags were packed for college and I was counting down they days until I could move in my dorm. Sure, I knew I was going to miss my Coach and fellow teammates but I was more excited to moving on to bigger things in life.
The reunion committee set up a website with all the details, pictures, quizzes and the opportunity for us to submit what we have been up to the past 15 years. There was even spot for us to send in an updated picture. Very interesting to see what the class clown and valedictorian are doing and how it is not what everyone expected. I also have learned that I am one of the only ones without kids. This will make for interesting conversations.
Tell me about your high school experiences? Did you go to a reunion? I'll report back on Monday.
Thursday, September 28, 2006
Monday, September 25, 2006
I think I have mentioned this before. I'm a runner. I have been running for over twenty years. I really haven't written much about running. Here is some parts of my running story that I wrote for the MKE online back in November of 2005. I was on the cover for that issue! That was fun.
How it all started: "What is cross country?" I asked back in 5th grade at sport sign up day. "You run" someone replied back. Sounds ok I thought and I signed my name on the line. That was back in September of 1983, I barely made it a mile but have been the runner since then. Fast forward 23 years later and I'm still considered the runner.
Brag time: I have run competitively since grade school. I knew I was going to be running for awhile after I won the Lutheran grade school cross country invitational back in 8th grade crushing the mile and a half course record. I continued my running career at Wisconsin Lutheran High School earning All-Conference all 4 years and All-State with a 2nd place finish at the WISAA state meet back in 1989. I signed my scholarship offer to the UnivWisconsin Wisconisn-Parkside in January of 1991. While at UW Parkside I earned All-American status 4 times and was a National Champion in the 5000 meters in 1995. My PR for the 5000 indoors was 17:40, and I believe 17:20 outdoors.
Injuries: I've had my share and probably some of the most unusual. Of course like every runner I've had the shin splints, stress frtendonitisd tendonitis. But back in March of 1990 I was "diagnosed" with OSTEOCHONDRITIS DISSECANS. What is that? My doctor explained it as a hole in the talus bone. Surgery one was in1990 and surgery two in 1991. "There is no way you can run at the collegiate level" is what the doctors told me. Ok, so I red-shirt my freshman year and ran the next 4 years. But it wasn't over yet. There is a new way to do this surgery, we are going to take bone out of your knee and graft it in your talus bone. "But Tracey, this is just so you can walk without pain," my doctor told me in January of 2000. After the successful surgery I was able to run a mile here and there 8 months later. My doctors last words to me were, "now, no marathons!" He really enjoyed receiving my picture at the finish line of the 2002 Chicago Marathon where I ran it in 3:27 and qualified for the Boston Marathon.
I have experienced so many wonderful places to wear out my Nike shoes. Out of the state and out of the country. But my favorite place to run currently is downtown in Milwaukee along the lakefront. I especially enjoy it on a Saturday morning. The streets are empty and as I make my way down Prospect Avenue to Lincoln Memorial Drive the sidewalks have reminiscences of what happened just hours before. The Lake is usually very calm and the sun is just rising. I make my way along the path on Lincoln Memorial Drive usually passing many runners. During the summer the Badgerland Striders are out and about training for the upcoming marathon. Runners have their own language and there is a certain respect we have for each other. As I pass each one I observe their t-shirt to see what runs they have accomplished or what college they might have attended. Usually grunts, waves or "morning" are exchanged. I make my way past Bradford Beach and run into the volleyball players setting up their nets. The hill up to Lake Drive is a long one but the reward is admiring the beautiful houses and hopefully some sprinklers to cool me off. I make my turnaround at Capital drive or on my longer days, Silver Spring. While I may look alone, I feel like I'm part of a team as I continue to run the past the dedicated runners.
Sometimes during my runs I daydream back to my college days at UW Parkside. These were some of the best running days of my life. Coach Mike De Witt worked us hard and made us believe in ourselves. While there were many, my best running experience was February 25th, 1995. I qualified for the National meet in the 5000 meters and went in with the second best time. I was never so nervous before in my life. I cried and coach had to give me my race plan 2 times. The gun went off and I jumped out the lead only to have it taken away from me at lap 4. I trailed by 50 meters most of the race after that and even got passed for 3rd place at 2 miles. At that point I refocused and picked up the pace. I honestly did not think I could get back to first but I wanted to be able to finish the race knowing I tried my best. Without knowing, I was catching the first place runner. The indoor track in Nebraska was so loud and I could not hear my coach. At gun lap I looked up and realized first place was in front of me. I took off and won the race by 6 seconds after being down by 8 seconds with 400 meters left in the race.
Lakefront Marathon:
I seriously considered training for the marathon but due to some lingering injuries I thought it would be best to sit this one out. Just recently I have been given the opportunity to partake in a relay team at the Lakefront Marathon. There will be four of us girls and we will each run a "leg" to complete the 26.2 miles. I am very excited to be part of this great running event in Milwaukee. Here is some great press coverage from JSOnline this morning.
Do They Have It?
How it all started: "What is cross country?" I asked back in 5th grade at sport sign up day. "You run" someone replied back. Sounds ok I thought and I signed my name on the line. That was back in September of 1983, I barely made it a mile but have been the runner since then. Fast forward 23 years later and I'm still considered the runner.
Brag time: I have run competitively since grade school. I knew I was going to be running for awhile after I won the Lutheran grade school cross country invitational back in 8th grade crushing the mile and a half course record. I continued my running career at Wisconsin Lutheran High School earning All-Conference all 4 years and All-State with a 2nd place finish at the WISAA state meet back in 1989. I signed my scholarship offer to the UnivWisconsin Wisconisn-Parkside in January of 1991. While at UW Parkside I earned All-American status 4 times and was a National Champion in the 5000 meters in 1995. My PR for the 5000 indoors was 17:40, and I believe 17:20 outdoors.
Injuries: I've had my share and probably some of the most unusual. Of course like every runner I've had the shin splints, stress frtendonitisd tendonitis. But back in March of 1990 I was "diagnosed" with OSTEOCHONDRITIS DISSECANS. What is that? My doctor explained it as a hole in the talus bone. Surgery one was in1990 and surgery two in 1991. "There is no way you can run at the collegiate level" is what the doctors told me. Ok, so I red-shirt my freshman year and ran the next 4 years. But it wasn't over yet. There is a new way to do this surgery, we are going to take bone out of your knee and graft it in your talus bone. "But Tracey, this is just so you can walk without pain," my doctor told me in January of 2000. After the successful surgery I was able to run a mile here and there 8 months later. My doctors last words to me were, "now, no marathons!" He really enjoyed receiving my picture at the finish line of the 2002 Chicago Marathon where I ran it in 3:27 and qualified for the Boston Marathon.
I have experienced so many wonderful places to wear out my Nike shoes. Out of the state and out of the country. But my favorite place to run currently is downtown in Milwaukee along the lakefront. I especially enjoy it on a Saturday morning. The streets are empty and as I make my way down Prospect Avenue to Lincoln Memorial Drive the sidewalks have reminiscences of what happened just hours before. The Lake is usually very calm and the sun is just rising. I make my way along the path on Lincoln Memorial Drive usually passing many runners. During the summer the Badgerland Striders are out and about training for the upcoming marathon. Runners have their own language and there is a certain respect we have for each other. As I pass each one I observe their t-shirt to see what runs they have accomplished or what college they might have attended. Usually grunts, waves or "morning" are exchanged. I make my way past Bradford Beach and run into the volleyball players setting up their nets. The hill up to Lake Drive is a long one but the reward is admiring the beautiful houses and hopefully some sprinklers to cool me off. I make my turnaround at Capital drive or on my longer days, Silver Spring. While I may look alone, I feel like I'm part of a team as I continue to run the past the dedicated runners.
Sometimes during my runs I daydream back to my college days at UW Parkside. These were some of the best running days of my life. Coach Mike De Witt worked us hard and made us believe in ourselves. While there were many, my best running experience was February 25th, 1995. I qualified for the National meet in the 5000 meters and went in with the second best time. I was never so nervous before in my life. I cried and coach had to give me my race plan 2 times. The gun went off and I jumped out the lead only to have it taken away from me at lap 4. I trailed by 50 meters most of the race after that and even got passed for 3rd place at 2 miles. At that point I refocused and picked up the pace. I honestly did not think I could get back to first but I wanted to be able to finish the race knowing I tried my best. Without knowing, I was catching the first place runner. The indoor track in Nebraska was so loud and I could not hear my coach. At gun lap I looked up and realized first place was in front of me. I took off and won the race by 6 seconds after being down by 8 seconds with 400 meters left in the race.
Lakefront Marathon:
I seriously considered training for the marathon but due to some lingering injuries I thought it would be best to sit this one out. Just recently I have been given the opportunity to partake in a relay team at the Lakefront Marathon. There will be four of us girls and we will each run a "leg" to complete the 26.2 miles. I am very excited to be part of this great running event in Milwaukee. Here is some great press coverage from JSOnline this morning.
Do They Have It?
Sunday, September 17, 2006
Baby Joggers
If you don't know this yet, I am a "runner." I have been running for 20+ years. I try to stay competitive. If I'm not training for a race I will still just go and run. I'm sure I'll write more on that another time.
When and if I have kids I intend on having a "baby jogger" so I can continue to keep up on my running. I don't know, I may hate it but I will try. But there is a time an place for a baby jogger and in a middle of a race is not the time. I found this post on a chat board I participate on that made me mad. Leave the kids at home, have someone watch them at the race, or stay out of the way of the serious runners.
Runners...race etiquette question
From: ******
Date: 9/16/2006 at 10:16 AM
I just got back from running a 10K this morning (great race...I went with my best friend and we had a blast).I was shocked to see a number of people with baby joggers in the 10K. In the other races I've run, they've not been allowed. This was a relatively big run, too. Anyhow, some people were fine--they stayed out of everyone's way. This one guy, however, was a complete JERK. He was nudging people with the stroller to get by them and even knocked a woman over. We found out after the race that she had broken her ankle!!! question is this--is this common in races and I just haven't seen it? Does anyone on here run in races with a baby jogger?
Wrong, just wrong. If I was this lady with the broken ankle I would be seeking this person out for reimbursement of medical bills. Runners......that is great if you continue to run with the baby jogger, but in a your manners. Thank you.
When and if I have kids I intend on having a "baby jogger" so I can continue to keep up on my running. I don't know, I may hate it but I will try. But there is a time an place for a baby jogger and in a middle of a race is not the time. I found this post on a chat board I participate on that made me mad. Leave the kids at home, have someone watch them at the race, or stay out of the way of the serious runners.
Runners...race etiquette question
From: ******
Date: 9/16/2006 at 10:16 AM
I just got back from running a 10K this morning (great race...I went with my best friend and we had a blast).I was shocked to see a number of people with baby joggers in the 10K. In the other races I've run, they've not been allowed. This was a relatively big run, too. Anyhow, some people were fine--they stayed out of everyone's way. This one guy, however, was a complete JERK. He was nudging people with the stroller to get by them and even knocked a woman over. We found out after the race that she had broken her ankle!!! question is this--is this common in races and I just haven't seen it? Does anyone on here run in races with a baby jogger?
Wrong, just wrong. If I was this lady with the broken ankle I would be seeking this person out for reimbursement of medical bills. Runners......that is great if you continue to run with the baby jogger, but in a your manners. Thank you.
Thursday, September 14, 2006
Business Trips
This is an interesting subject - Business Trips. I'm in Galena, IL for a conference. I'm observing many interesting behaviors, social rules, people, etc. I'm at a large resort with golf, tennis, a spa, hot air balloons and many more amenities. I'll just note that this conference involved a lot of Doctors and hospital administrators.
Some notes:
1. A lot of the men brought their wives along.
2. There are many BMW's in the parking lot
3. Technology has changed the typical business trip
4. The entire conference is run by women
5. I just watched 6 women walk by that are some of the "wives" here and they all have the same hair, same style clothes, same color nail polish and same purses.
oh, my lunch is here, I'll post later.......share some experiences if you have taken a recent trip for business.
Some notes:
1. A lot of the men brought their wives along.
2. There are many BMW's in the parking lot
3. Technology has changed the typical business trip
4. The entire conference is run by women
5. I just watched 6 women walk by that are some of the "wives" here and they all have the same hair, same style clothes, same color nail polish and same purses.
oh, my lunch is here, I'll post later.......share some experiences if you have taken a recent trip for business.
Sunday, September 10, 2006
September 11
Where were you....... 5 years ago. Wow. I remember the day exactly. I was driving into downtown Milwaukee as Reitman and Mueller (94.5 WKTI) reported that a small plane crashed into the World Trade Center's North Tower. (7:45 am CST) By the time I parked my car and got to the office, a second plane had crashed, this was not an accident. While trying to contact friends and family we were told to leave the building. At the time I was working in the US Bank Building in downtown Milwaukee. The entire day was a blur.
If you want, share your thoughts and memories.
God Bless America......
Badger Game
Ahhhhh, good times. I wish I could have experienced some Badger games while in college but due to my running schedule at my school I was unable to. My husband, a UW Madison Alumni, has many stories to tell. The last couple of years I have been able to partake in the fun and traditions that surrounds a UW Madison football game. Have you been to a Badger game? Have you experienced all the tradition and rules and chants and songs? So much fun. I took a lot of pictures to share the experience. First you have to tailgate. Burgers, chips, pasta salad, beer and cookies.

The city of Madison is taken over by fans of all ages. As you walk to Camp Randall all you can see is red. The local businesses partake in the game day festivities. The bars roll out the red carpet for a beer thirsty crowd. Djs, bands, food specials, shots and of course beer welcomes crazy Badger fans as they make their way to the stadium. And don't forget about the house parties that offer you a chance to do a beer bong or just stop by and say hi before the game.

Badger games have so much more to offer than just football. I love football but one of my favorite things about a Badger game is the band. The UW Madison Marching Band. Period. The crowd can be distracted by the band along with the students, cheerleaders, Bucky and many other traditions during the game.

If you have been to a Badger game you may be familiar with all the different traditions that are carried out by the student section. The cheers, the chants, dances, songs, the key shake for kick offs, Bucky's pushups totaling the score of the badgers, jump around (as seen on National TV), the wave....( FYI it goes regular speed, slow, fast, reverse, and then double reverse. If you have no clue what I'm talking about, get to a game.)
I asked my husband a couple times, "as a student, how did you know what to do or say?"
The new coach, Bret
QB John Stocco
Bucky doing his pushups
The band at halftime. No one leaves.
The "Waterboy" - really

The cheerleaders, and yes, that is the band doing a pyramid.
The tuba march
The start of Jump Around
My favorite fan.

5th Quarter.............Varsity......Sing! (we sang it like 4 times on Saturday.)
Oh yeah, the Badgers won.

The city of Madison is taken over by fans of all ages. As you walk to Camp Randall all you can see is red. The local businesses partake in the game day festivities. The bars roll out the red carpet for a beer thirsty crowd. Djs, bands, food specials, shots and of course beer welcomes crazy Badger fans as they make their way to the stadium. And don't forget about the house parties that offer you a chance to do a beer bong or just stop by and say hi before the game.

Badger games have so much more to offer than just football. I love football but one of my favorite things about a Badger game is the band. The UW Madison Marching Band. Period. The crowd can be distracted by the band along with the students, cheerleaders, Bucky and many other traditions during the game.

If you have been to a Badger game you may be familiar with all the different traditions that are carried out by the student section. The cheers, the chants, dances, songs, the key shake for kick offs, Bucky's pushups totaling the score of the badgers, jump around (as seen on National TV), the wave....( FYI it goes regular speed, slow, fast, reverse, and then double reverse. If you have no clue what I'm talking about, get to a game.)
I asked my husband a couple times, "as a student, how did you know what to do or say?"

The cheerleaders, and yes, that is the band doing a pyramid.

5th Quarter.............Varsity......Sing! (we sang it like 4 times on Saturday.)
Oh yeah, the Badgers won.
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Juror #27 and #11
This has nothing to do with being married.
This has nothing to do with not having children.
This has to do with getting the dreaded jury summons in the mail. You have been's your duty as a citizen. Yada yada yada.
I had to cut my Labor Day vacation to sit in a room full of annoyed people all doing their duty.
I have over 10 pages written in my journal and I will transfer the "best of" once I am done. Whenever that will be.
So far I have been "rejected" from two cases - one criminal and the other civil. I would have liked to sit on the criminal case - homicide. I think my "rejection" has something to do with the fact that I work for a law firm.
This has nothing to do with not having children.
This has to do with getting the dreaded jury summons in the mail. You have been's your duty as a citizen. Yada yada yada.
I had to cut my Labor Day vacation to sit in a room full of annoyed people all doing their duty.
I have over 10 pages written in my journal and I will transfer the "best of" once I am done. Whenever that will be.
So far I have been "rejected" from two cases - one criminal and the other civil. I would have liked to sit on the criminal case - homicide. I think my "rejection" has something to do with the fact that I work for a law firm.
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
Tribute to Andre Agassi

A great athlete has retired this weekend.....Andre Agassi. I remember watching Andre for the first time back in 1986 or 87. I was captivated by his personality and his looks. He was a rebel and yet good at his sport.
This past weekend Andre played his last match. He announced to the world and his fans that the US Open would be his last tournament. It didn't seem real to me. I can't believe I've been watching him for 21 years. And he's gone. . . . Good-bye Andre, thank you for your amazing time on the court.
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