Thursday, October 11, 2007

National Infertility Awareness Week

What an incredible week. Not just because we were on Oprah and got our photo with Oprah in the mail yesterday, but because of all the amazing support we have received from our family, friends and strangers. I have "met" so many more amazing women who are going through infertility. I am so thrilled that people are speaking out and trying to create more awareness. Because of all the new connections, I just found out that there is a National Infertility Association and that November 4 - 10 is National Infertility Awareness Week.

Time to brainstorm on how I can and will participate.


The Accidental Existentialist said...

I have very close friends (I've known him since I was in 2nd grade and her since I was in 10th) who are also married and dealing with infertility.

Just from the trust they have placed on me and the information I have learned, I know now more of the difficulty of it all. I admire your strength.

Anonymous said...

Saw the show, and thought you were courageous for even being there. Found your blog through Julie at "A Little Pregnant." Just wanted to wish you luck on your upcoming cycle. If I can offer one piece of advice it would be to research EVERYTHING, and stay on top of your own IVF cycle. Sometimes the nurses let details slip through the cracks. And they are the ones running the show on a day to day basis. Take care!

carolinagirl79 said...

Good luck Tracey! I will be following your blog from now on.

Anonymous said...

Hi Tracey! I saw your piece on Oprah and was like, "Is that the girl from the Knot?!?" And then I saw you posted on the Nest about it. It's SO great you are using your voice to create awareness. As hard as it is sometimes, I think that we're given these struggles because of our strength. And I've learned that there are no guarantees in life. It's tough, but you do what you can. Good luck with everything! Now I'm off to read your entire blog LOL! Take care.

Anonymous said...

Oh, and I was also going to add that I too tried contacting Oprah to see if they'd do a show on pediatric stroke... but I never heard anything. :( I'm sure they get tons of story ideas and people wanting to be on the show, so it is SO awesome that you were on and made such a difference! That's so incredibly powerful!

Mandie Lane said...

I just found your blog and wanted to tell you you've got a friend in Texas pulling for you. I did see that Oprah and was so impressed by you and all the others on there- not an easy topic to discuss on TV but one that needs more awareness brought to it. Good for you for being that voice. Although our struggles are different (we've just had our 2nd m/c) I feel your pain of wanting that baby in your arms. With any luck, we will both be there soon.

Best Wishes and Much Luck,

Mandie Lane said...

Okay, AND you're a Packer fan?! I like you. We just moved from WI last year and if there's anything I long for, it's Brett, Lambeau, and hats made of cheese. :)

Melanie said...

Let me know how I can help!