Thursday, October 05, 2006

Getting paid more because you have kids?

This made me so angry. A friend of mine told me that her boss shared with her that apparently they base what they pay their employees on whether or not people have kids. The reason was that people with kids need more money, so they make more, even if the other employees without children work hard, in same position etc.

Isn't this against the law? What would you do if you found this out at your place of employment?
This makes my blood boil.


Queen of Light and Joy said...

That makes me crazy. We live in an age where people are consciously deciding to NOT have children. I think this form of payment for parents is what I will refer to as childisum.

Moon said...

Doesn't seem right to me either.
Here from Michele's

November Rain said...

it is against the law as far as I know in the US

esp since people with children can get earn icome on taxes

scrapperjen said...

WHAT????? I believe that's discrimination!!!!!! That is crazy! I have 2 children and still think that is crazy! UGH!

Danica said...

I know for a fact of a law firm in town that does that "under the table" so to speak. A law firm! I don't know if it's sympathy for parents or what, but give me a break. My blood has boiled over this for a while.

-E said...

Heh, I've heard of companies doing the opposite to try and "buy" loyalty from employees. They think if they pay more, folks will be less inclinded to have a family and more inclined to stay dedicated to the company.

Either way, I think it is wrong and I hope things get straightened out.

Michele sent me.

Tracie Nall said...

This is crazy! You should get paid for the job that you do and that is it. Not your kids or lack of kids.

Michele sent me!

Marie said...

It must be against the law... you're paid to do a job, not for your personal situation(s)...

Michele sent me today!